FCBSL Contributor

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Florida Conference of Black State Legislators Foundation Sponsorship Information

Please select your level of support and then check the events you would like to support. Make your 501(c)3 tax-deductible donations payable to Florida Conference of Black State Legislators Foundation. Fill in your contact information and signature. If you prefer, you can fax the document to the FCBSL Headquarters at 850-222-2296, or scan and email to; FLBlackLegislators_Foundation@Yahoo.com

Payment for Sponsorship is due upon receipt of invoice. You can pay using a Visa / MasterCard / Discover / American Express or a company check. Upon signing this agreement, your organization is responsible for 100% of the selected donation level. If paying by credit card, you are authorizing FCBSL Foundation to charge your credit card for the selected donation level.

2020 State of Black Florida Sponsorship Information, click link below.





Stay in Touch

The Florida Conference of Black State Legislators (FCBSL) is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization. As a not-for-profit organization, one of our goals is to champion legislation as well as community issues that affect the less fortunate constituents we service.

(850) 224-0937